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Lake Hartwell, which spans nearly 56,000 acres along the Georgia-South Carolina border, is a legendary bass fishing location. Hartwell is in a three-way tie for “most Bassmaster Classics” hosted—2008, 2015, 2018 and 2022.

Impounded in 1961 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to generate hydroelectric power and manages floodwaters, Hartwell offers some of the best bass fishing in the country.

Nestled in the rolling foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, the lake is mostly clear and deep, with some parts reaching depths over 200 feet. While there are some houses and shoreline development, much of Hartwell remains wild, with shorelines heavily wooded.

Jones cracked the code by capitalizing on a jigging spoon bite first thing each morning before switching to a deep jig. After a strong opening day, he surged to the lead on Day 2 with an 18-pound, 11-ounce bag. 

Bassmaster Classic Champions Who Conquered Hartwell

Lake Hartwell has seen its share of Bassmaster Classic stories and drama. Each of the following four champions earned his victory.

How Alton Jones Mastered Deep Water for a 2008 Classic Win

Jones cracked the code by capitalizing on a jigging spoon bite first thing each morning before switching to a deep jig. After a strong opening day, he surged to the lead on Day 2 with an 18-pound, 11-ounce bag.

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